Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Forced Migration and the Spread of Infectious Diseases 

      Inter-American Development Bank (2020-11)
      We examine the role of Venezuelan forced migration on the propagation of 15 infectious dis- eases in Colombia. For this purpose, we use rich municipal-monthly panel data. We exploit the fact that municipalities closer to ...
    • Migrants in Latin America: Disparities in Health Status and in Access to Healthcare 

      Inter-American Development Bank (2020-06-11)
      The large magnitude and sudden nature of recent migration flows in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) impose challenges to receiving countries’ health systems, which have to provide care to a larger ...
    • Migration, Integration, and Diaspora Engagement in the Caribbean: A Policy Review 

      Inter-American Development Bank; Lacarte, Valerie; Amaral, Jordi; Chaves-González, Diego; Sáiz, Ana María; Harris, Jeremy (2023-03)
      Migration has long been part of Caribbean nations reality. Often discussed in the context of emigration to North America and Europe, movements to and within the Caribbean are an equally important part of its history. In ...