Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y salud sexual y reproductiva en mujeres migrantes en Barranquilla 

      Quintero, Luz Dary; Osorio Osorio, Habid; Bojorquez-Chapela, Ietza; Isaza, Laura; Acosta-Reyes, Jorge; Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo (2023-03)
      Identificar el conocimiento y las barreras para acceder efectivamente a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (IVE), y en general a los servicios sexuales y reproductivos (SSR), entre mujeres provenientes de Venezuela ...
    • Longitudinal health survey of women from Venezuela in Colombia (ELSA-VENCOL): First report 

      Acosta-Reyes, Jorge; Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo; Rojas-Botero, Maylen Liseth; Bonilla-Tinoco, Laura Juliana; Aguirre, Melissa; Anillo, Luis Ángel; Rodríguez, David Alejandro; Cifuentes, Lida Yoana; Jiménez, Iván; León, Luisa Fernanda; Bojorquez-Chapela, Ietza (2023-03-30)
      We carried out a longitudinal cohort study of Venezuelan migrant women, 18 to 45 years, who entered Colombia with an irregular migration status. Study participants were recruited in Cúcuta and its metropolitan area. At ...
    • Prenatal care of Venezuelans in Colombia: migrants navigating the healthcare system 

      Giraldo, Vanesa; Sobczyk, Rita; Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo; Rojas-Botero, Maylen Liseth; Bojorquez, Ietza (2021-08-16)
      This study explored the experiences of irregular Venezuelan migrants in accessing prenatal health services in Colombia, taking into account the economic, social and cultural resources mobilized by them to access care. ...